Saturday, 7 April 2012

Easter make it magical

Easter has always been a time for family. Getting together with your little ones and having fun.

A lovely idea to get little ones excited for Easter is to start before they wake, sprinkle icing sugar in strategic places around the house where the Easter bunny has visited, in the icing sugar mark out rabbit foot prints in the sugar. Each place you lead them to with footprints place some small chocolate eggs at each point. Building up to a nest or basket of larger eggs to spoil them. Wake them up and share in their excitement as they see the Easter bunny has been.

As they grow up you can carry this excitement on further by hiding eggs throughout the garden (weather permitting) and give the little ones a basket, and the egg hunt begins.

Once their chocolate induced rush has died down!! Sit them down and ask them what they think Easter is? or if they are to little, get some Easter books to help show them the meaning of Easter. No matter what your belief behind Easter, it is a good time to teach them your beliefs. It's important our littles ones grow up to know there is more to these holidays than just chocolate and greeting card induced fun.

But most of all make it a fun family holiday, and leave comments as to what you kids have replied to the Easter question, because kids can give the best take on these things.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Your favourite cuddly toy

No matter how old you are, you can always remember - or your parents won't let you forget - your first cuddly toy.

They get taken everywhere, they help little ones sleep (or keep parents awake until they're found!) they come in all shapes and sizes. From bears or bunnies. Puppies or kittens. Blue blankeys or pink elephants.

They get used as tissues, and floor cleaners. Washed in muddy puddles or covered in sun cream. Some get bought in multiples for fear of getting lost, while others just won't leave their side.

No matter the size, colour, shape or abuse, they all receive unconditional love in some form or another from their tiny owners.

It's one item in a little ones early years that remains a constant source of comfort, so choose wisely mums and dads, aunties or uncles, because love them or loathe them that cuddly toy is there to stay.


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Polaroid is back

Are you one of these snap happy people who love to take pictures of your friends and family? Take pics of your little ones running around?Pictures of the dog sleeping?
Then do you promise yourself that you'll get them printed off, put on the fridge or in a scrap book. However weeks go by, you see them on the digital camera or on your phone, thinking again I must get them printed off but you never do...

Well those days are gone and the art of instant photo is making a comeback. Back in the 70s & 80s Polaroid cameras were everyone's iPhone. Snap a picture with the camera and out popped the photo at the front, wave it about for a few minutes and hey-presto a developed photograph instantly.

Remember them?

Well they're back, and why not use them to your advantage. As you can see in the pics below courtesy of an article in they can make very good pieces of art. Put a piece of ribbon or string in your little ones nursery and peg or clip them on making a timeline or storyline of your little ones development. Instead of forgetting to print them of or get them developed the Polaroid instantly gives them to you to use straight away.

So get yourself a new polaroid or dig your old one out of your mum and dads loft, and get snapping.

Polaroid website & shop for the edition

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Superhero babies

When choosing your little ones nursery theme, most people go for the bland colours, and the usual baby store brands and themes, why? Why not break away from tradition. Classic superhero canvases or framed pieces are just the break away from tradition you need.

They can be placed in the nursery together, giving a unique theme which could be continued as they grow up.
There are many more on the website to choose from, have a look for yourself

You can bring your little ones up with the amazing fantasy world of comic superheroes as their daily ritual. Using there imagination to create a world that is looked after by heroes doesn't sound bad to me. Who knows maybe one of them out there could be the next Peter Parker...

Monday, 2 April 2012

Encourage Kids imagination.

Children hold that unique innocence that we as grown ups try to put to the back of our minds - imagination.

It is with imagination that children can be whatever they choose to be.
• An astronaut flying to the moon.
• A princess trapped in the castle.
• A magical knight fighting the dragons.
• They can live with the magical fairies at the bottom of the garden.

If grown ups were to let go and imagine, just think how much fun life would be.

An amazing website that embraces everything for children to play and dream of being is imagine childhood and a great gift for kids who love fairies is to choose ones they want to be handmade view

Design your cuddly toy

This great idea from childs own studio shows kids how great they can be, love it.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

The best baby film?

With the Easter holidays upon us, and parents looking for activities for there kids to do, why not dust off your favourite baby films, and let your kids see the corny classic's we were raised on.

With John Travolta at his comic best, accompanied by the voice of Bruce Willis, giving the comedic voice of Mikey. They both team up with Kirstie Alley, to bumble there way through this comedic master class. 'Look who's Talking' is certain a top contender.

Closely followed by the acting prowess of Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenburg. Who are severely tested when they're forced to take care of a baby girl called Mary. They give a unique display of comic hilarity, with a twist of moving senserity.

These two classic comedies will entertain and amuse your children, as well as bringing back memories and moments for grown ups who watch. These films give great inspiration in aiding to design clothing and keepsakes for our little ones, with a twist of humour.